You may have noticed from the (ware)housewarming party invites that we recently moved into a new space! It’s more than double the size of our old office/warehouse so we’ve been itching to fill it with people and celebrate!

(click to see the full-size photo)

Friday night was THE night. We had deals on clothing and jewelry, plus great food, drinks, music, and a lovely sunset to party to. We were so happy to see so many familiar and friendly faces, and we thank everyone for coming! Ervin and Vanessa were kind enough to send us some photos they took around the party:

The surprise hit of the night, we realized Monday morning when we saw the photos, was the photo booth! People love props, it seems, and there were lots. We don’t think a single prop went unused.

For the rest of the photo booth pictures, take a look at our album on Facebook.

 And as far as parties go, this one was a hit. Hope you can all make it to the next one!