Celebrating Women’s History Month and Women We Admire

3 Everyday Women Who Inspire Us - Women's History Month

It’s Women's History Month, which is a time to intentionally shine the light on women who have made an impact on society and the lives of others. While the RBGs and Oprahs of the world are certainly women to talk about for their significant accomplishments, there are incredible women right before our eyes, involved in our everyday lives, that deserve recognition, too! We asked our staff to share a little inspiration that they have found in women they know.

3 Everyday Women Who Inspire Us 

Women’s History Month - Inspiring Artisan Women

I have to highlight two of our amazing partners in India. Moon and Koko are important female leaders we work with every day.

Moon is the head of our jewelry producer group and works tirelessly to make sure the organization is constantly cultivating, supporting and advancing artisans and their work. Her passion and vision inspire the work I do.

At the same organization, Koko is my day-to-day partner in crime (on the other side of the world). She is the reason we are able to execute our designs. She reviews all of our work from concept to creation and is a major contributor to the design process every step of the way.

Both Moon and Koko are actively involved in their communities. Whether it's participating in social impact forums or visiting artisan workshops, they are inspiring women in their communities every step of the way. Getting to work with these two is one of the best things about my job!

Women’s History Month - Inspiring Everyday Women

Thinking about powerful women, I can’t help but to think of my very own mother. Cliche, yes, but my mom really is awesome!

At the age of 21, she took a risk and left Guatemala in pursuit of more opportunities in the United States. Not knowing the language, customs, or culture, she found her way to the Chicago area. Wanting to thrive in her new country, she took ESL classes to become fluent in English. She faced a lot of challenging experiences, often alone and without guidance, but my mom has learned how to move mountains to make things work out for her family.

She is constantly on a path of learning and growing, even to this day. And she now has her own clothing alteration business. She embodies everything strong that I can imagine in a person: perseverant, patient, intentional, a go-getter...I could go on and on. My mom inspires me each and every day.

Women’s History Month - Inspiring Women Chicago Fair Trade

There is a treasure in our community--a woman who has spent decades working for the dignity of all human life, and it's high time to celebrate her. Meet the vibrant Katherine Bissell Cordova, Executive Director of Chicago Fair Trade (CFT). 

Always on the move with boundless energy, connecting people, generating new ideas, turning ideas into plans and plans into action, Katherine makes community organizing happen and equally as important, she makes it fun.

Consider CFT’s holiday pop-up shop, now in its fifth year and generating more than $160,000 in sales of fair trade products in one month. Did you know Katherine called over 80 landlords and real estate agents to find a suitable location? Did you know she cooks dinner for every CFT board meeting? Did you know that she helped start the first downtown fair trade shop in Chicago prior to joining CFT?

Under her leadership, CFT has grown in leaps and bounds, increasing fair trade’s visibility in the community and impact worldwide.

Happy Women’s History Month

As you can see, running for elected office or hosting a popular talk show is not the only way to become a bonafide changemaker. Some of the most impactful changes can happen right in your own family or community. Campaign for your alderman, support your child’s dream, or get a group together to clean up a local park. These are simple ways to create positive change. Who knows, you might just inspire another woman to take action.