Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

We’ve said this before, but just in case you missed it, Mata means mother in Hindi.  For that reason, and because we work with women’s cooperatives, we tend to get a little into Mother’s Day.  So here’s a special Mother’s Day post.

Happy Mother’s Day to our mothers: Nora, Camille, and Fran!  Here’s Nora in the Tallulah dress:

And Happy Mother’s Day to my 97 year old grandma, Harriet.

A few month’s back, she fell and ended up with a small fracture in her hip.  Thankfully she didn’t need surgery.  During rehab, one of her nurses complimented the Grant Park dress I was wearing.

That nurse is now one of our biggest fans.  Happy Mother’s Day, Tiffany!  The Jennifer blouse she’s wearing is on sale for only $18!!