Small Businesses Need Your Support in a Time of Uncertainty

an empty small business during the coronavirus quarantine

Across the country, businesses are pausing in-person operations to support government and health officials’ directives to practice social distancing. Although these actions provide critical support for vulnerable populations, many small businesses are feeling the financial strain of fewer customers and decreased sales. Supporting small and local businesses is crucial to persevering through difficult seasons and supporting the local economy - in our state of Illinois there are upwards of 1.2 million small businesses employing over 45% of the state’s workforce. To ensure our favorite stores weather the economic storm, here are some important ways to support small businesses in the coming months.

a small business is empty during the coronavirus pandemic

Support Small Businesses During the Quarantine

Buy Online

Many businesses are turning to online sales and alternative methods of service, if they haven’t already been doing so. Look for local places doing curbside pick-up or delivery options where previously that may not have been an option. Art and dance studios are offering video classes in lieu of in-person gatherings. Purchase gift cards from your favorite local haunts to make sure they are still around for future outings. 

Buy Locally

When it is necessary to make an essentials-run, consider visiting the local fruit market or butcher’s for fresh products. Stocking up on goods from a local grocer rather than a big retailer ensures they will be able to sustain their operations in the next months. When visiting a store in person, use credit or debit cards rather than cash to limit the potential spread of germs and reduce interpersonal contact. Use a delivery service for items you may need, and tip generously to help bridge the decrease in order demand.

Give Positive Feedback

Small businesses are deeply and personally engaged with their customer base, and are bolstered by positive feedback. Leave a five-star review on their website or sales pages of your favorite products to let other customers know what you really love about their products. Share the company’s sales with your network via email or social media channels. You may not be in a position to buy anything, but spreading the word is always appreciated. Offer a personal note of thanks to the cashier at your local store for their hard work and dedication during these troubled times. 

At the end of the day, we want to spread kindness, not germs, to the faithful folks working for small businesses in our local communities that make them unique. How are you supporting your community in these uncertain days?