It’s a new year!  And that means new shows, new trends, and new inspiration!

Here are the hot trends we’ve been spotting for jewelry this spring:

Mint. Want some color?  Go for green!  Shades of green are big big big, and everyone is especially loving mint and emerald.  The Fan Earrings are a perfect touch and look good with practically everything; pair this touch of mint with an all black & white outfit (also popular this season).


Heavy Metal. It’s not dainty.  It’s heavy, reminiscent of the ’80s, and I’m loving it!  Stack and layer.  Silver, gold, or rose gold.  Start mixing ’em up.  You can’t go wrong with the Labyrinth Rings or the Hearts and Hieroglyphics Bracelets.  They give an edge to those sweet summer dresses.

Geometric. Adorn yourself with pieces inspired by shape and contrast.  Think ’60s mod (thank you, Marc Jacobs).  The Widow’s Peak Earrings are chic and streamlined.  Almost hypnotic!

World Traveler. Out with the Art Deco from last year, and in with the ethnic inspiration.  Jewelry followed suit with the clothing trend, having a heavy Eastern influence.  The Something Sapphire Earrings are a perfect Moroccan pop if you’re feeling that your outfit needs that extra oomph.  And the Petite Samurai Earrings have that perfect far-off-land wanderlust touch.

And how about this trend?  Fair trade and ethical gemstones. As said on examiner.com, “Other than style, one of the biggest trend for fine jewelry for 2013 is going to be the gems that are mined and traded ethically. Before you purchase a diamond or any precious stone, make sure that it is conflict free stone, benefiting the miners and local communities where it comes from.”  Of course, all of Mata’s pieces are fair trade so you can feel good about what you are buying!

The temperatures are warming and I’m starting to come out of my winter “all black, all the time” rut just in time for all of these great trends.  I love them all!  Lucky for me they’re available now (along with many more gorgeous pieces).
