You’ve got a conundrum. It’s that time of year to start your holiday shopping, and we’re certain there’s one thing you’re probably not looking forward to.  It’s not the crowds or anxiously waiting for sales.  It’s not taking the time to search for the best online deal.  It’s finding that special gift for someone you don’t know what to get.  You’ve always admired her for her effortless style, but she already has everything you can think of.  So, what do you get for the girl who has everything?  We’ve decided to consult actress and founder of The Honest Company, Jessica Alba, for her inspiration.  In addition to her successful acting and entrepreneurial careers, she’s got great style for every occasion, and she’s been wearing our Artifact necklace.  Take a look at how this movie star wears our necklace with versatility:

Jessica grabbing a morning coffee. Image Credit: WhoWhatWear.


Jessica in a casual outfit on the way to the Honest Company. Image Credit: Daily Mail


Jessica out for an evening birthday party. Image Credit: Daily Mail


Whether she’s running errands with her family or enjoying an evening out, Jessica can show you how our necklace is the perfect holiday gift for the woman on your list who has it all.  Jessica’s practical sense of style, innovative leadership, and advocacy for giving back to the community are just what we envision in the woman who wears Mata!