Ethical Fashion Blog

This was a billboard in a subway in Tokyo, Japan.  Though clearly not the intention of this ad, it carries a lot of meaning when you think of it in the context of fair trade.
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A Heroine's Heroine
Hillary Clinton is thought of as a heroine to many women, but who are her heroines?  One of them is Ela Bhatt, founder of the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India and one of the world’s most remarkable pioneers and entrepreneurial forces in grassroots development.  Now over a million members strong, Bhatt formed SEWA in 1972 as a trade union for poor Indian women who make a living by selling vegetables, recycling trash, hand-rolling cigarettes and working in other marginal occupations.
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Grandma Tattoo Art
Our inventory manager, Bree, sporting the At First Glance top – she looked so cute I had to snap a pic. Pretty fierce tattoo there, huh?  It’s an image of her grandma, Mamee, who Bree says is the biggest influence in her life.  So in honor of all the ladies in our life who inspire and nurture us, Happy Mother’s Day!  Don’t forget to tell your moms, grandmas, and aunts that you love them.:)
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Emily and I recently got back from the Pool trade show at Mandalay Bay in Vegas.  Happy to say we made our sales targets (woot!).  We also saw some seriously fresh fashion.  My brain was a buzzin’ with all the trends –  totally ahead of the curve and everyone’s bringing out their true style sense.
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I couldn’t resist taking this pic at the office today.  Kristin, our designer, on the left, was wearing these adorable floral shorts paired with a striped sweater, and Carmen, our new design intern, had a sheer minty green long skirt folded over and tucked into her waist with leggings.  Sheer draping is everywhere these days, even in the Mata office. I love that these girls are ON it and having their design input shows in our collections.
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